Monday, February 23, 2009

Old Photos of Nenek

After the renovation of this house (I lived in my grandpa's house, from my mom's side), many goods that have to be in trim.. And many old goods belongs to my Nenek and Opung (grandfather in Mandailing), who I never see before, back in view..
Such as plates, brass, old coins from 1910 and so many old photographs. But the most interesting is the last, the old photos. In it you can see the standard expression of the past. There's something else when you see the photos, especially the old photos. I feel WOW when i saw the pictures. I saw Nenek and Opung's faces when they were young. Very different. And their lives that at the time, which of course is also different from our lives at this time.

This time I will be posting the photos of Nenek when she was younger. When she was single. Most of the photos taken in her village named Patumbak about 1 hour from Medan, it taken around 1940-1947.

These photos I found in the one album of my grandmother. My mom saaid this album was made when grandma wasn't marry . So enjoy it!

This is the simple cover of the album

Nenek wrote a warning to anyone who opens this album. She used the old spelling.

it written:
Patumbukan, 12 Januari 1947

Kepada sdra(i) jg membuka album ini, diminta agar mendjaga, supaja djangan ada jg kojak, atau hilang. Sekianlah supaja sdra(i) ma;lum.

Ma'af dari saja

So you've been warned =)

*Marked 'X' is my grandmother

I adore the white shoes that my grandmother used!

Nenek in Kebaya~

Nenek with one of her sister(stand one)

This is the younger brother of Nenek! I called him Atuk Pelangi (cause he lived in Jalan Pelangi,hehe) only Him who still alive from the sibling of my grandma. Me and my family still visit him in his house which nearby to my house.

With her bicycle, typical style of old photos. Right?

I am sure, this photo taken in Medan , you can see the dome of Raya Mosque in the background. Wondering, which part they're took it?. hmm..

Mama said, this is the pic when nenek just gave birth Mama in Patumbak Hospital, it was 1954. She looks preety =).

So can you see the difference in expression, body language and faces form the past and now? I always adore the old photos! They are very pure, i dont know how explain la..hehe.

Btw, after we saw some photos of my grandmother, I will give a little info about her.

Her name is Hamdah Lubis, she was born on 23rd September 1930 in Patumbak. Not much I can remember about her, cause she died when I was 4 years old on 10th May 1989, several months before she fulfill the Hajj. But I can feel, that I miss her... =')

Nenek and Me =')

That's the only pictures that i can show for now, actually there are still many more photos. But time is not possible to make it. Next time I will post the old photos of My Opung! =)