Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Me and Popi

walk away under the rain

Finally, this day will be slightly different from the previous day (hopefully, if Popi doesn't cancel the appointment on the last minute, as she often made). Yes today me and her will go to the dept. store, cause she will be "co-as", you know as the co-process for 2 years practice in a hospital, could be a new doctor, she said, she would take it outside the area, in Rantau Parapat, about 9 yearshours from Medan!

That means we cant hangout together again as before!! (although not often, but become increasingly difficult to see laa). OMG.

I only hope that it wont change our friendship that has been building for 10 years~. She's my best friend .(selain Puan). huhu *mellow mode on*