Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Berhenti berharap....

That's all I can say.......

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Me, the cleaning service

It's already 8.30 am here..and no one in this office except me and Kak Tini -the cleaning service- and of course some of polices out there, but they are not staff right. So i turned on the pc, log in to my FB an check the email..then I realized this room was very, i mean VERY dirty. Paper, cigarette and ashes everywhere. "Very flagitious". So I took a broom, and sweep all that I saw on the floor. After that I throw away the empty mineral water (yg di biarkan gtu aja! huh). Yes that's me the cleaning serice for today. *grin*

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ayam Lapis Sayuran

Source : Tabloid Saji

Bahan :
400 gr fillet dada ayam. Potong lebar, tipis
1/2 bungkus royco ayam
1/2 sdt air jeruk lemon

Bahan isi :
1/2 buah bawang bombay, cincang
100 grm wortel, potong dadu kecil
100 grm kacang polong
100 grm jamur kancing, belah 4

1/2 bungkus royco ayam
1/4 sdt lada bubuk
1/4 sdt gula pasir
100 ml air1 sdt maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit air untuk pengental
1 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis

Bahan saus :
1/2 buah bawang bombay, cincang
2 buah tomat, buang biji, potong dadu kecil

120 grm saus tomat

1 sdt royco ayam

1/2 sdt lada hitam

1/4 sdt gula pasir

200 ml air

1/2 batang seledri, potong halus

1 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis

Cara membuat :
  1. Lumuri ayam dengan royco dan air jeruk lemon, Sisihkan.
  2. Isi : panaskan minyak. Tumis bawang bombay sampai harum. MAsukkan wortel, kacang polong dan jamur kancing. Aduk sampai layu.
  3. Masukkan royco, lada bubuk, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Tuang air. Masak sampai matang. Kentalkan dengan alrutan tepung maizena. Masak sampai meletup-letup.
  4. Ambil selembar ayam. Beri isi. Gulung. Letakkan di pinggan tahan panas oval yang dioles margarin.
  5. Saus : panaskan minyak. Tumis bawang bombay sampai harum. Tambahkan tomat. Aduk sampai layu Masukkan saus tomat, royco, lada hitam dan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Tuang air. Masak sampai kental. Tambahklan seledri. Aduk rata.
  6. Tuang di atas gulungan ayam. Letakkan di loyang yang diberi sedikit air. Oven 50 menit sampai matang.
Ok... menurut resep sih itu udah siap.. Tapi...menurut ku itu blm, karena pas ngerasain, kok rasanya kurang meresap bumbu2 nya ke dalam ayam n rasanya terlalu biasa jg, mama ku blg udh kayak gulai ayam, krn ternyata banyak airnya jd kyk berkuah gtu.. Stelah nyari akal (cem btul aja) kyknya klo di goreng enak gtu..ya udh untung aja ada bumbu tepung goreng instan (aku pakai yg spicy), lumurin la tuh ayam dgn tepung, trus d goreng..and saus yg bekas ayam td lumurin di atasnya, ternyata..mantap jg! x)


Iseng2 ada kulit lumpia, trus buat isinya pakai isi risol ,hehehe kentang, wortel d potong kecil2, pakai kornet dikit trus tumis dgn bawang bombay, bawang putih, tambahin garam, gula ,merica, kaldu bubuk and tepung terigu dikit aja. Trus di goreng~ jadila lumpia asal2 buat ganjel perut heheheh

Kentang Panggang Saus Teriyaki

Ini salah satu makanan (yang menurutku) enak n gk perna bosan makannya, Kentang panggang teriyaki ,dptnya tentu aja dr majalah, resep aslinya cuma pakai kentang aja, dan itupun kentangnya kentang rendang, yang kecil-kecil itu. Trus krn kmrn ada brokoli teronggok gk tau mau diapain ya udah coba2 di campur ternyata makin enak pun. Hehehehe Resepnya~

Bahan :
500 gr kentang rendang (aku pakai kentang biasa, abis d kukus potong aja kecil2)
1sdm margarin
3 siung bawang putih, cincang
1/2 sachet saus teriyaki
2 sdm peterceli cincang
3 sdm keju parut 2 sdm wijen (aku gk pakai hehe)
Bahan Saus :
100 gr mayonise
1 sdm gula
1 sdt merica
1 sdm saus cabai
1/2 sachet saus teriyaki

Cara membuat nya :
  1. Cuci bersih kentang lalu kukus hingga mateng, angkat, kupas kuliatnya, sisihkan
  2. Tumis bawanr putih hingga harum, masukkan kentang lalu tambahkan 1/2 sachet saus teriyaki. Masak sambil aduk hingga bumbu tercampur rata. Taburi cincangan peterceli, aduk, angkat.
  3. Masukkan kentang pada wadah tahan panas. Sisihkan.
  4. Buat sausnya,: campur mayonaise, gula, 1/2 saus teriyakierica, saus cabai, aduk rata.
  5. Tuang saus di atas kentang lalu taburi atasnya dengan keju parut dan wijen. Panggang kentang dalam oven selama 15 menit. Siap di makan!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lemon Tree

Duh, this song like want to mocking me. I still remember the first time I heard this song when I was 11 years old, on 1996. And I never thought this song would be on myself. Haha. So here's Lemon Tree by Fool's Garden. (I prefer to show the animated version than the original vers. =)

Friday, March 13, 2009



I was/am too lazy to update my blog and also failed to write one post every day as my motivated before. hahahak. Well I pretend to be busy seems like so many thing to do (do nothing).
Actually there are so many story I want to write/share here, but again, this lazy feeling attack me more and more.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Oh God...I'm dying already with this boredom.. I got Totally nothing!! nothing to do!!! nothing to see~ and the worst is no one to share... Everybody is busy with their own life..while I have a lot of spare time but do not know how to fill it with something/anything useful. I only can spend my time at home and get stuck in my room, seen the ceiling while my mind is flying to other things and places. Seeing , laughing and talking alone to my cats... I think they are the only thing in this earth that understand me, yea even not really always cause they're still made me "have to do something" like to clean up their poop in every corner they wanted to do it !

Argh feel like it just one step closer to the madness. Is it??

Feel like I'm in Duran-Duran's song, the Ordinary World

What has happened to it all?
Crazy, some are saying
Where is the life that I recognize?
Gone away

But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive

What is happening to me?
some'd say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Gone away

Yah, where is the life that I recognize? and what is happening to me? is others also had this boredom? but I often to cry, I wasn't strong as it, but yea I will learn very hard to survive! Cause this is the ordinary world and I lived here, there's nothing to do than to face it. Yea Right. May the way I always did is the kind of the thing to face it. Hopefully. Do the same things everyday. Just Staring at the monitor, Keep looking for the clocks beside me which always successfully made me crazy with the clicking. Checking my mobile hope that someone willingly to accompany me. Celebrate our boredom together..Hmm.. Now I lose my idea. O.o

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brownies Kukus and Blackforest

Brownies kukus ni paling sering aku bikin, dapat resepnya d web juga, tp ini resep asli dari brownies kukus Ny. Liem (hah? aku jg gk taouuu sapa Ny. Liem itu..hahahaka). Bikinngya mmg gampang n mudah , trus hasilnya lembuuuuttttt. Gk nyesal buatnya!

Brownies Kukus, topingnya pakai almond
Ini nih resepnya

Brownies Kukus Ny.Liem

Bahan :
Telur 6 butir
Gula 225 gram
Vanili secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
Emulsifier 1/2 sdt teh
Terigu 125 gram + Coklat bubuk 50 gram, ayak
Minyak 175 ml ( aku ganti dgn Butter 100 ml, sesudah di lelehkan, + minyak makan 75 ml)
Dark Cooking Cokelat 100 gram, lelehkan, campur dg minyak
Susu Kental Manis (SKM) 75 ml
Cara Membuat :
  1. Kocok telur dan gula hingga mengembang, masukkan campuran tepung terigu dan cokelat bubuk. Aduk perlahan hingga rata.
  2. Masukkan campuran minyak dan DCC, aduk hingga rata.
  3. Sisihkan sepertiga bagian adonan, beri SKM, aduk rata.
  4. Bagi 2 adonan tanpa SKM,
  5. Bagian I kukus selama 10 menit, tambahkan adonan dg SKM selama 10 menit, terakhir masukkan adonan sisa tanpa SKM, lanjutkan mengukus selama krg lbh 20 menit. Angkat.
Nah, dari resep brownies kukus ni, hasil lanjutannya bisa di modifikasi jadi black forest lho... Biasanya aku buat dua resep untuk 1 blackforest. Tinggal tambah aja selai blueberry buat bagian tengahnya, trus di tutupi whipped cream, tambah coklat leleh, atw coklat parut, n jgn lupa ceri!

Ini beberapa blackforest yang aku buat

ini aku buat karena pesanan Ujing Yani, dia pesan buat Lebaran kemarin aku jual 125 ribu~hahahhaak

Ready to deliver~

Mini blackforest

Cream cake, dalamnya juga brownies =P

Nih B'day Cake si Capit, aku buat waktu dia rayain ultahnya di Medan, yg k 22 klo gk salah,hehehe

The Red Juice

Jus ini di buat pertama kali waktu hari Raya Haji 2008 kemarin. Gara2nya ada acara keluarga di rumah, kan abis kurban tu, jd masak-masak sate pakai daging kurban, tapi minuman yang gak ada. Kebetulan di rumah ada semangka, bit, tomat n strawberry, merah semua kan??

Ya jadilah dengan berbekal kreativitas seadanya yang mengada-ada ni, aku campur semua bahan tu, d tambah dikit air lemon n gula, susu kental manis (dikit aja). Aku blender, tambah es batu sikit, n campur dgn sirup coco pandan (juga sikit aja) n suruh riri n ivo beli nata de coco di Indomaret dkt rumah. Biar makin mantap kan pakai nata de coco. Dah siap. Aku suruh Ivo n Riri nyoba. Awalnya mreka protes, gk mau minum karena ada bit itu! Tp pas dah ngerasa, jd suka..n smua yg di rumah tu suka jg.. Akhirnya ya abis jugaaa..hehehe. Gak sia2 lah =p

Soal rasanya, jus ni punya rasa tersendiri, enak lho, sehat lagi. Cobain la buat sndiri d rmh! =)

Menu Abis Kurban Kemarin, Red Juice, Sup Buntut, dan Sate

Bolu Kukus Blueberry and Cheese

Bolu kukus ni dapat resepnya di sini, hehe liat aja sndiri ye ;P

Chocolate Bunch

Resepnya dapat di Tabloid Nova, sering di buat jg ni =)

Bahan :
500gr tepung terigu
11 gr ragi instan/yeast
3gr bread improver
100 gr gula pasir
15 gr susu bubuk
2 btr kuning telur
1 btr telur
350 ml susu cair
5 gr garam
75 gr margarin
Bahan pencelup :
100 gr mentega
150 gr cokelat chip

Cara membuat :
  1. Campur tepung terigu, ragi instan, susu bubuk dan gula pasir, aduk hingga tercampur rata.
  2. Masukkan telur dan susu cair, uleni hingga tercampur rata, tambahkan garam dan margarin, uleni terus hingga adonan kali n gk lengket di tangan.
  3. Bulatkan adonan dan diamkan selama 30 menit. Lalu kempiskan adonan agar gas hilang.
  4. Bulatkan adonan kecil-kecil (sesuai selera~) diamkan lg selama 15 menit. Siapkan cetakan lubang tengah, oles dengan margarin.
  5. Ambil satu adonan, kempiskan, lalu bulatkan kembali, celupkan ke dalam mentega cair, gulingkan ke dalam cokelat chip.
  6. Masukkan dalam loyang. Diamkan lg selama 30 mnt. Sebelum di panggang oles bagian atas dengan susu. Panggang dalam oven selama 15 menit.

Roti Goreng Isi Daging

Bahan Roti :
1 kg tepung terigu
150 gr Gula

1 bungkus yeast (11gr)
2 butir telur
500 gr air

100 gr mentega
Bahan Isi :
(ikutkan sesuai selera dan kata hati~ heheeh)
Bawang bombay
Bawang putih

Kentang dan Wortel di potong dadu kecil
Corned Beef


Kaldu ayam bubuk (royco, knorr)



Tepung terigu dikit aja
Cara Membuat :
Roti : Semua bahan roti di campur jadi satu, di aduk sampai pulen dan kalis, gk lengket di tangan lg. Biarkan 15 menit. Setelah 15 menit bentuk bulat2 kecil dan isi dengan campuran bahan2 tadi~

Isi :
Semua bawang di tumis dengan miyak dikit aja, trus masukkan wortel n kentang n daging, tambahkn sdikit air n tepung, gram, gula n merica. Tunggu sampai kelihatan masak, wortel n kentangnya lembut. Abis roti di isi, trus celupkan ke telur n aduk ke tepung panir~ Abis tu di goreng lah~ heheheh

The result

I just received a message from Kak Erisda, one of my friends in campus, said that "nilai dah keluar!"

Oohh..as soon as I open the USU website directly! Then.... Jeng-jeng! My IP is 3.38!!
Got 1A, 1B+, 2B's,

Itu termasuk rendah lho...coz my friend Nisa, got 3.75! Ya no wonder, she's very diligent, compare to me, who always feel lazy to attend the class. Hahahha.

Huh can't wait to get to know my friends result!

Japanese Cheese Cake

Nah kalo Japanese Cheese Cake ni kebalik, resep aslinya pakai Strawberry, tapi karena kemarin gk dapat strawberry, tetep gantinya aku pakai jeruk mandarin. Dapat resep ni web, tapi aku lupa nama webnya, untung aja dah sempat di copy. Here's the recipe (copy abisss hehe).

Japanese Cheese Cake

Campur dan ayak :
50 gr tepung terigu dan 50 gr tepung maizena.

Bahan :
60 gr mentega tawar
250 gr cream cheese, biarkan pada suhu ruangan, jgn dingin2
120 ml whip cream
3 kuning telur
1 butir telur
2 sendok teh kulit jeruk lemon parut
5 putih telur
1/2 sendok teh garam
125 gr gula pasir halus
1 sendok teh air jeruk lemon
Topping :
2sendok makan selai apricot, 2sdm air
Jeruk mandarin kalengan

Cara membuat :
  1. Siapkan loyang bulat, alasi kertas roti, olesi mentega. Panaskan oven.
  2. Campur mentega, cream cheese dan whip cream dalam w dah. Didihkan dengan api kecil, aduk hingga lembut, angkat.
  3. Masukkan campuran tepung, aduk rata. Masukkan kuning telur dan 1 butir telur, aduk rata. Masukkan kulit jeruk lemon, aduk rata, sisihkan.
  4. Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, masukkan gula dan air jeruk lemon sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok sampai terbentuk kerucut-kerucut tumpul (soft peak).
  5. Tuang adonan putih telur ke adonan cream cheese, aduk rata. Tuang campuran ini kesisa adonan putih telur, aduk rata. Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang dengan cara au bun marie selama lbh krg 75 menit sampai permukaan matang, kuning keemasan. Keluarkan dari oven.
  6. Setelah benar-benar dingin, lepaskan cake dari loyang. Panaskan selai apricot dan air, oleskan ke permukaan cheesecake.
Memang buatnya agak ribet, tp klo hasilnya bagus n banyak yang suka, hilang capeknya! hehe n oh kayaknya klo yang pakai keju2 gini mmg enak di makan dingin2 lho, so masuin kulkas dulu biar makin enak =)

Two Layers Pudding

di loyang bulat

loyang petak besar~

Puding ini gk ada resep, aku cuma buat2 ngikutin 'kata hati' hehehehe, kmrn buat ni krn tanteku pesan untuk acara ngaji di rumahnya, pakai 10 bungkus agar-agar bubuk. Aku buat 2 lapis, yang bawah lapis coklat, pakai milo n coklat blok, n yg atas pakai susu..n krn over creative aku pakai (lagi2) jeruk mandarin (love jeruk mandarin! yea!) kalengan n nenas kaleng. Untungnya banyak yang suka heheh. Fiuh~

Orange Cheese Pie

This time I'll re-post the recipes that I've been trying, yea not at all, there will be some new recipe. Tapi aku akan buat sebanyak mungkin! It becoz I have totally nothing to do!! huargh!

Now, time for Orange Cheese Pie. Resepnya aku ambil dari Tabloid Nova, dan aslinya pakai ceri hitam, tapi karena kemarin gak ada yang jual ceri hitam so aku ganti dengan jeruk mandarin kalengan. Enak juga kok, ada rasa segar-segarnya gtu. Ini resepnya :

Orange Cheese Pie

Bahan Kulit :
250 gram tepung terigu
60 gram gula halus
garam dan vanili secukupnya
50 gram kenari cincang (aku pakai kacang biasa)
150 gram mentega
2 kuning telur
50 gram keju parut

Isi :
150 gram mentega
100 gram gula pasir
3 butir telur
250 gram cream cheese
parutan kulit lemon dari 2 buah lemon
50 gram tepung terigu
50 cc yogurth putih
1 kaleng orange mandarin

Cara membuat :
  1. Campur seluruh bahan kulit sampai rata dan bisa di pulung. Taruh di dasar dan disisi cetakan atau pinggan tahan panas yang telah di olesi mentega. Tusuk-tusuk dengan garpu dan bakar selama 10 menit.
  2. Kini buat isinya. Kocok mentega bersama cream cheese sampai lembut. Masukkan telur satu per satu sambil terus di kocok.
  3. Masukkan tepung terigu dan kulit jeruk parut. Aduk rata. Tambahkan yogurth. Aduk rata.
  4. Tuang adonan isi ke dalam mangkuk pai. Susun jeruk di atasnya. Bakar hingga matang.

Kemarin perna juga nyoba gak pakai jeruk (susah kali nyari ceri hitam ni!), so coba-coba pakai strawberry, hasilnya kyk gini..

Tapi aku sarani gk usah pakai
strawberry, karena kan nanti strawberrynya ikut di bakar, jadinya pas mateng dia jd benyek, gk segar lg. So better orange than strawberry. Di sajikan dingin lebih enak, masukkan dulu ke dalam kulkas ya.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another boring post

Last night I cooked Indomie Goreng for my dinner. Cause I don't like with the dish in my house, ikan gulai! =|
I love to make something that I eat to be special, (of course special ala ME laa), in terms of appearance and ingredients. Biar makin berselera makannya..hahahak. So I cooked it, Indomie Goreng ala Warkop..hehehe with a lot of chilli, biar pedas, makin pedas makin enakkk hehe ;9~~

Indomie goreng ala kadarnya, ala warkop, ala2 whatever~

Yah it can spent my boring time when cooked it and captured it! Gk ada kerjaan! Indomie pun d photo!

Tagged by Liyana

1.List this rules on your blog
2.Share 7 fact about you on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4.Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog
5.Link the person who tagged you
6.Leave comment for each blogger you have tagged

7 facts about me:
~ I am only child
~ I always feel damn lonely and need a sister in my life.
~ I'm thinking of what is happening in other parts of the world.
~ I love CAT an cooking very much
~ I am Hothead
~ I have 11 cats in my house
~ I have almost 200++ sim cards within one year.

6 unspectacular quirks of mine:
~ I love to sleep
~ I hate doing the houseworks (same as Liyana =P)
~ I cry roaring everytime my cat die
~ I love walking in the supermart, then checking and compare the price to other supermart. (Typical Ibu2)
~ I'm checking my email and FS everyday
~ I don't know whatelse the unspectacular quircks of mine

7 person I'm tagging:
~ Ayu
~ Capit
~ Acap
~ Someone
~ Somebody
~ Anyone
~ Anybody

I don't have any other to tag! LOL

Monday, February 23, 2009

Old Photos of Nenek

After the renovation of this house (I lived in my grandpa's house, from my mom's side), many goods that have to be in trim.. And many old goods belongs to my Nenek and Opung (grandfather in Mandailing), who I never see before, back in view..
Such as plates, brass, old coins from 1910 and so many old photographs. But the most interesting is the last, the old photos. In it you can see the standard expression of the past. There's something else when you see the photos, especially the old photos. I feel WOW when i saw the pictures. I saw Nenek and Opung's faces when they were young. Very different. And their lives that at the time, which of course is also different from our lives at this time.

This time I will be posting the photos of Nenek when she was younger. When she was single. Most of the photos taken in her village named Patumbak about 1 hour from Medan, it taken around 1940-1947.

These photos I found in the one album of my grandmother. My mom saaid this album was made when grandma wasn't marry . So enjoy it!

This is the simple cover of the album

Nenek wrote a warning to anyone who opens this album. She used the old spelling.

it written:
Patumbukan, 12 Januari 1947

Kepada sdra(i) jg membuka album ini, diminta agar mendjaga, supaja djangan ada jg kojak, atau hilang. Sekianlah supaja sdra(i) ma;lum.

Ma'af dari saja

So you've been warned =)

*Marked 'X' is my grandmother

I adore the white shoes that my grandmother used!

Nenek in Kebaya~

Nenek with one of her sister(stand one)

This is the younger brother of Nenek! I called him Atuk Pelangi (cause he lived in Jalan Pelangi,hehe) only Him who still alive from the sibling of my grandma. Me and my family still visit him in his house which nearby to my house.

With her bicycle, typical style of old photos. Right?

I am sure, this photo taken in Medan , you can see the dome of Raya Mosque in the background. Wondering, which part they're took it?. hmm..

Mama said, this is the pic when nenek just gave birth Mama in Patumbak Hospital, it was 1954. She looks preety =).

So can you see the difference in expression, body language and faces form the past and now? I always adore the old photos! They are very pure, i dont know how explain la..hehe.

Btw, after we saw some photos of my grandmother, I will give a little info about her.

Her name is Hamdah Lubis, she was born on 23rd September 1930 in Patumbak. Not much I can remember about her, cause she died when I was 4 years old on 10th May 1989, several months before she fulfill the Hajj. But I can feel, that I miss her... =')

Nenek and Me =')

That's the only pictures that i can show for now, actually there are still many more photos. But time is not possible to make it. Next time I will post the old photos of My Opung! =)